Each time you get paid, a portion of your check goes to your dental insurance. If you’re making a monthly investment in your health, why not utilize the services you’re paying for? Depending on your insurance plan, most preventive services are 100% covered like your semi-annual checkups and cleanings with a dentist in Fort Smith. Taking advantage of these can help keep your oral health in tip-top shape and prevent small issues from turning into large ones. Read on to learn what treatments your plan covers and how you can save yourself money in the long run by using your benefits before they expire in January. (more…)
A Dentist In Fort Smith Reminds You To Take Advantage Of Your Insurance Benefits Before It’s Too Late!
June 10, 2019
Do You Really Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?
May 25, 2019
If your son or daughter is in high school or about to go to college, chances are their wisdom teeth are about to emerge. You remember having yours removed years ago, so your child will probably need the same procedure, right? But are you sure? Even with a surgery as common and routine as a wisdom tooth extraction, it’s important to know why it’s done and when it’s actually necessary. Here’s everything you need to know about these “extra” teeth and why they might need to come out.
From Baby to Adulthood: A Family Dentist Explains What Happens to Your Teeth
April 7, 2019
You watch your child grow from an infant to a toddler, then you see them transform from a child to a teenager and wonder, “Where did the time go?” You can probably recount all the times you heard, “Mommy! Daddy! I lost another tooth,” but never thought much about what replaced those precious primary teeth. As your child grows, so do their teeth. Over the years, many factors can attribute to the wear and tear put on one’s teeth. A family dentist discusses just what those factors are and what you can do to prevent further damage.
To Use or Not to Use: What a Dentist Says About Fluoride Protection
March 7, 2019
You’ve probably heard all the reasons in the world to use fluoride to protect your teeth from cavities and decay. From fluoride water to toothpaste, there’s no doubt there are benefits to using this magical nutrient. However, there are reasons against the use of fluoride, and more and more dental offices are offering alternatives to patients. Find out what your dentist has to say about it and how you can keep your mouth healthy.
Missing One or More Teeth? Get a Fixed Bridge with Your Cosmetic Dentist
February 8, 2019
If you are missing one or more teeth, you already know about the changes in the look of your smile. But your missing teeth can affect you in more ways than just your appearance. Just one missing tooth can dramatically impact your oral and overall health. What can you do about it? If you’re looking for a more permanent way to address the gap in your smile, you should consider discussing a dental bridge with your cosmetic dentist. (more…)
Use Your Insurance Benefits with Your Dentist Before It’s Too Late!
January 30, 2019
Did you know that each year, billions of dollars in dental insurance benefits are wasted? That’s because people don’t know how to take advantage of their annual maximum. This is the maximum amount that your dental insurance plan is willing to pay for your dentistry in one year. If you don’t use up this money, it’s gone forever. With half of the year gone already, it’s important to see your dentist to maximize your benefits before they’ve disappeared with 2019. Keep reading to learn how to take advantage of your dental insurance and why it’s important to attend preventive checkups and cleanings.
New Year, New Smile with Your Cosmetic Dentist
December 3, 2018
Your smile is one of the first physical attributes people notice about you. Whether it’s in your personal or professional life, your grin can make impressions that affect how people perceive you. Studies have shown that with a beautiful set of pearly whites, you’ll be thought of as younger, healthier, and more self-confident. Thankfully, your cosmetic dentist has some services that can give you the smile of your dreams. Keep reading to learn how some popular cosmetic treatments can transform your grin.
How to Improve Your Oral Health with Gum Disease Therapy
November 15, 2018
Recent studies show a staggering number of people are suffering from gum (periodontal) disease, a condition that leaves the soft tissue swollen, red, tinder and easy to bleed. Periodontal disease shouldn’t be taken lightly because it can have serious effects on your oral health. Learn why healthy gums are important and how gum disease therapy can restore them to normal. (more…)
Family Dentistry: Points and Services to Keep in Mind When Searching
October 14, 2018
Is your current dentist okay but not able to meet the needs of your family? Are you looking for a dentist that truly understands the core concepts of family dentistry? If you’ve recently begun your search, it’s important that you know the right factors to consider before you make a final decision.
By asking the right questions, knowing important resources and determining your needs ahead of time, you’re more than likely to find the perfect dentist the first time. Here are four tips to consider.
Your Dentist Explains How to Maximize Your Dental Insurance
September 17, 2018
As another year races by and approaches its end, your local dentist reminds you to take full advantage of your dental insurance. That’s because it will renew at the first of the year, so if you’re behind on your preventive care visits, this is a great opportunity to make-up for it. As you read on, you’ll learn why these visits are so important and what you should ask your dentist and hygienist while there.